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Seeking $50,000 to Transform My Life 

I want to become empowered so I can be more generous and pay it forward myself to those in need.  I want to be able to contribute and add value to my friends, family and community in areas where they could use it. I have been doing this on a small scale for a long time, but have been limited by my financial situation.

I’ve been trying to establish my career in real estate, but have been having a difficult time creating momentum. I spend 90% of my time either looking for work, or working to pay my bills (currently $2,000 a month), and the remaining I give to my real estate career. Any time I have a small runway, I have been able to get some deals going, but it hasn’t yet been enough to establish myself.

When covid struck, I lost my job of 5 years that had been sustaining me. I am now positioned at a firm with a great mentor and coach who sends me plenty of leads. My challenge now is finding the time to follow up and take care of them. I’ve made about $10,000 total in real estate in the past few years so far, and am seeking a runway to help me gain momentum to close a few more deals and become self-sustaining. 

The median house price in Western North Carolina is $350,000. At a 3% commission, that would be $10,500. My firm split is 75/25 so my check would be $7,875. 


My Goal: 

My top goal would be to raise $50,000 – This would allow me to pay off the $20,000 in short term loans (mainly credit cards) which would remove the $300 monthly interest payments ($3,600 a yr I’ve been paying for 2 years to try to maintain a good credit score) and reduce my total monthly bills from $2,000, to $1,500. The remaining $30K I would set aside for strictly bills (now reduced to $1,500 a mo) and work real estate until I was self-sustaining. If real estate wasn’t winning I would know within 2 months and would switch to another business I could go all in with. The goal is the same, to become self-sustaining to get in a position where I could pay it forward for others. 

If my goal is reached, I promise to follow up with all progress updates! This would absolutely transform my life and I would be happy to report back at every milestone. When I get my first deal.. And then the second deal, and third. When I contribute to my family, friends or community in big and meaningful ways. When I have earned a year’s savings and have a handful of contracts going at the same time. When I’m able to pay it forward to others in need..

Thank you for taking a moment to consider contributing to my goal. If you have any questions or ideas I would love to hear them. 

With Gratitude, 


Anonymous User


June 3, 2023

Amount Donated

Jacob Wike

June 3, 2023

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


June 2, 2023

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


March 30, 2023

Amount Donated

Anne Rasheed

March 27, 2023

Amount Donated

Terri Meadows

March 26, 2023

Amount Donated

Autumn Greenfield

March 26, 2023

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


March 6, 2023

Amount Donated